Monday, June 24, 2013


Starting several posts, last week, and feeling quite good about them all, I was curious as to why I was not given the opportunity to finish them, and publish.  My husband has been writing his own blog, and we have been discussing the role of the church etc, in the life of a disciple.

The bottom line comes down to what we are called to do.  Firstly, we are called to REPENT!  Having got into a very heavy discussion, I became aware that I was meant to write what I was verbalising.  Then, before going to sleep, we watched a minister on TV, who was talking about the very same thing! 

Messiah instructed, as did John, 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!'  However, Elohim has become a commodity.  We are not called to 'Repent', we are called to 'Let Him come into our lives'.  If we accept Him, all will be well.  If we let Him into our lives...?  It is all about the pretty packaging.  There appear to be no consequences.  Just like everything else, things have been watered down for us to want it.  Who remembers the verse, 'many are invited, but few are chosen'?  (Matthew 22:14)  This confirms that we do not invite him in, He calls us!  However, in order to become a disciple, and walk in the way in which Messiah walked, we need to Repent, and then do the Will of Elohim, without deviation.  Paul, on the road to Damascus, was not given a nicely wrapped gift, he was given an almighty jolt!  Messiah did not say, 'Hey Paul, listen, you want eternal salvation, please come and follow me?  Please....I'll give you anything you want if you do!'  No, Messiah said, 'Why do you kick against the pricks', and then 'kicked him into touch'! 

My husband and I were discussing the 'marketing' of Elohim, in order to get people to 'want the product'.  I made a comment about ice cream.  Originally, a commercial for Ice-cream was just for the product.  It is a nice, creamy, treat.  Then that was not enough.  In order to 'compete', it was necessary to emphasise the attributes.  The ice-cream was eaten by 'cool' people, and celebrities.  It was advertised by attractive, slim people in swimsuits.  The ice-cream remained the same; the audience got bored.  A new audience, as well as the old, needed to be attracted. Same product, new packaging, may get more sales.  Elohim is being commercialised. in the same way.  He is being made to appear more appealing.  After all, 'Repent', and do exactly as you are told, even if you don't want to', does not sound like much fun.  Telling people that if the accept Elohim, allow Him to come into your life, because He loves you, and He wants you to be part of His Kingdom, and He wants to bless you with health, wealth and happiness, is so much more appealing.  Who wouldn't want someone who would give them their hearts desires while they are on this earth, and then guarantee them a place in paradise when they leave.  Who wouldn't want to do nothing but Let Him in! 

I have been astounded at how those who have been 'walking in the Spirit' for decades, cannot see the conflict.  My husband points out that I have not been part of the Christian culture, and have not had years of 'doctrine' to rewrite.  I have, however, listened to how believers have participated in miracles, and supernatural occurrences, yet lie constantly.  There is no fear of Elohim.  I have been learning about removing the beam from my own eye, before attempting to remove the speck from my brother's eye, but these are brother's who are telling me that I have a 'problem' because I do not attend church, and congregate with the brethren.  I have said that I do not need to be told, over and over again, that Elohim loves me (or God as it is in most churches), as I know he loves me.  He is my father.  I don't need to be told to follow a prayer that asks Him to give me what I want.  What I need is to hear his voice, and obey it! 

The message has been watered down to attract the masses.  Does the Creator of the Universe need to ask people to come and join Him in His set apart place?  Does He need to make it more inviting?  Does He lack the numbers to fill the space? Psalm 50:12 says it perfectly.  'If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it'. 

The message is clear, 'Repent'.  Then, as Messiah says when asked which is the greatest commandment, (Mark 12:29-30) '....The greatest is, ‘Hear, Israel, IAUE, your Elohim is one: you shall love the IAUE your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment ' 

I do not have the authority to tell people not to go to church, just as those who insist that I am wrong cannot tell me that I am hearing the Spirit incorrectly. (Corinthians 2:11) 'For who among men knows the things of a man, except the spirit of the man, which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of Elohim, except Elohim’s Spirit.'  All I can do is write what is being told to me, and pray that I am saying it correctly.  IAUE will choose those He wishes to join Him, not man.  We do not need to wrap Him up in pretty colours to make Him acceptable to us!

Thank you for reading.  Grace and Peace to all.

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