Thursday, July 24, 2014

Who would want to?

Just a thought for today.

Proverbs 24:1 Do not be envious of evil men,
Nor desire to be with them;
2 For their heart devises violence,
And their lips talk of troublemaking

It is so easy to get carried away with the world.  I should know, I have been there.  To see those that have so much, when you are struggling, and to see them throw away things that you would never be able to afford.  It can be very upsetting.

Not every wealthy person is evil.  Not every evil person is wealthy.  However, I have seen evil at work, and evil appears to get away with metaphorical murder.  Yet you look at the evil one, the mischief maker and you realise that they are not happy.  There is no joy.  Their heart devises violence and their lips talk of troublemaking.  Yet there is not joy.  When they succeed in their plots, they have to continue to weave their deceitful web, because if it is not a web it will be easily untangled.  When you see all of this put together, e.g. the lies, the web of deceit, the trouble that it causes, you realise that you will soon be part of this, either drawn in because you have 'heard' the 'rumours', or you will become the next 'rumour'.

Who would desire to be with someone like this?  We need to keep far from the road upon where the enemy has his house!