Sunday, December 1, 2013

Are we guilty of doing, '...and such like'.

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of Elohim.

Two days after Thanksgiving, and I am looking at these verses.  Spending time preparing for the feast gives little time preparing the heart to give thanks.  Thanksgiving is now dubbed 'Turkey day', and once again something that is cause for us to reflect becomes focussed on the wrong thing.  Whether it is remembering the shared meal between the Native Indians and Pilgrims, or other historical stories, remains unimportant.  What is important is our Thanksgiving to our creator, the Elohim of the Universe. 

I was reading through the verses above, after spending hours preparing, eating, then shopping, and wondered at how I would recall the events of the weekend.  I sat waiting for my daughter and son-in-law to make a purchase, for an hour at our first stop on Saturday, and started to get irritated.  Did I give thanks for anything?  I have a daughter who is happily married to a great guy; I was being chauffeured by my son-in-law; they were able to pay their own way; I was able to pay my own way; I was able to spend the day shopping; I had plenty of food in my fridge to feed us all for another day; I had a chair to sit upon in the store.  The list goes on, but I sat miserably.  Of course I am ashamed for my actions, and was so at the time, but not before I had wallowed in self pity for quite some time. 

What I encountered, or was guilty of, were not those specifically mentioned above.  They all fell into the category of  'and such like'.  I really was displaying the 'and such like' sins. 

It is very easy to look at a list and think, 'but I was not guilty of any of those', yet fail to understand that the 'and such like' adds everything else to the list.  Being born again, giving our life to Messiah, means that we are not under the law of Moses, we are under the law of IAUE, Elohim.  This means that we are not restricted to a set of rules, we are free to follow his voice.  However, we do not have a 'get out' clause.  If we act in ways that come under the 'and such like', we are not breaking any laws, but we are insulting our creator. 

Short, but I hope helpful.  The few words I read caused a great dealof personal reflection.  How can I be 'thankful' if I am doing 'and such like....'.  Grace and peace to all.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Song of Solomon - 2:15
Catch us the foxes,
The little foxes that spoil the vines,
For our vines have tender grapes

I have often quoted the verse above, and more often than not it has been quipped without much thought.

Yesterday, however, I learned that often when we think the foxes have once again ruined the grapes, the opposite is true.

Many things, small things, have been the focus of my attention over the past couple of weeks, and I have asked for help from my Master, mainly to put them into perspective,

Without going into too much detail (as the detail itself is irrelevant) there were some irritations that were purely of a 'maternal' nature.  Although small in themselves, one piled on top of the other was starting to make the vine wilt.  However, by Thursday afternoon, the foxes had been caught and were no longer a threat to the wine.

However, within a short period of time, something happened to make me wonder, 'why?'  My husband had received a document to be delivered the next morning at the local Courthouse.  Despite his assurance that this would not be a problem, we had no one to deliver it.  Everyone had 'prior engagements'.  I questioned as to why there was a problem.  Why was everyone busy?  Why could we not fulfill our promise?  Immediately, I started to evaluate as to whether I had sat back, and forgotten my Master, and His goodness.  Without waiting for an answer, I had decided that this was a disaster, and the foxes had returned with a vengeance.  I had, in essence, lost faith.  Eventually, my husband received a call from his friend, who is in the same business.  It just so happened that he had something that had to be delivered to the local Courthouse in the morning, 30 minutes after our proposed delivery.  I gave thanks and marvelled at the goodness of my Creator, and apologised for my assumption.  Everything is for a reason, and we were shortly to find out why it had to happen this way.  My husband emailed his friend the documents, and shortly after received a call to say that there was a page missing.  My husband had not noticed that there was a page missing, and if he had simply handed the document to one of our regular guys, they would have had no reason to check.  My husband's friend called the attorney who was in charge of the case and she was so grateful that the omission had been caught and reported. 

It was obvious that this was nothing to do with the 'little foxes'.  This was Elohim making a statement, yet I immediately went to 'worse case scenario'.  In giving thanks, I felt at peace.  There was something very calming about the way I felt.  There were no sparkles, no tingles, no goosebumps.  I knew that Elohim had worked so perfectly, not only would we be able to get someone to the Courthouse on time, to deliver a document to someone who was, otherwise, illusive, it eliminated any embarrassment that may have been suffered by the attorney, or the person who sent us the documents on her behalf.

When the document had been delivered, my husband's friend returned to our office.  I asked him if he had success in delivering the other paper, that had put in him the right place at the right time for us.  He had not.  The attorney who had hired him had made a mistake.  The hearing at which his document was to be delivered was not going to take place until next week.  It was when he arrived at the courthouse that he received the call to say there had been a mistake with the dates.  He thanked Elohim.  His trip had not been a waste; more to the point, it had been a success. 

I pray that next time I believe the foxes to be at work, I will have the ability to discern whether it is indeed the canines being mischievous, or whether there is something deeper.  For every season......

I pray this speaks to someone, somewhere, who is in the same situation.  Grace and peace to all.

Monday, September 9, 2013


My husband has become an avid blogger.  He posts every Sunday, and usually gets inspiration during the week, which promotes a great deal of discussion.

Last week we were discussing the difference between 'belief' and 'faith'.  Is it enough just to believe?  He gave an illustration of the guy who stood and stared at a chair, believing it would take his weight, and another man who simply sat in the chair, as he had faith. 

What happened to the faithful and why did we become a body of believers?  I thought about those who spread the 'good news' in Acts, and the letters that were written by Paul, Timothy, etc.  We have become 'watered down'.  Instead of being washed clean by baptism, it is as if we have been diluted.

Believing that something will happen is all well and good.  Having belief is not a bad thing, but consider this; would you sit in the chair?  Faith is the action!  I believe the problem in todays society, and modern day congregations, is that we are not called to have faith, we are merely asked to 'Believe'.  As a child, and as an adult, I have heard the question asked, 'Do you believe in Elohim?', (God/The Lord/Christ etc).  People do not ask, as a matter of course, 'do you have faith in Elohim?'  Do I believe in Elohim?  Of course I do.  Do I believe in magic?  Well I have seen some pretty good magicians.  However, I would not put my faith into a magician. 

Merely believing is not enough.  We are not called by Elohim to believe.  believe Elohim does not need us to believe he exists.  He is the creator of the Universe, why should he be concerned.  He could come and twist us around and turn us upside-down in a second or less.  Faith goes much deeper.

Our discussion turned to the depth of faith.  As I have mentioned, I listen to ministers on the TV and watch the audience.  They get quite emotional and take in every word that is said.  Do they believe everything in their life will be okay?  They appear to be nodding and agreeing with the minister, but do they actually have faith?  Believing is more an act of self will.  'I believe, I believe, I believe', does not give you the faith to sit in the chair.  It lulls you into thinking you have done enough by believing.  Believing Yahushua is your master is easy.  Having faith that He will protect you is quite different. 

Over the years, many people have told stories of healing and miraculous divine intervention.  However, whilst many attend meetings where these wonderful events take place, as soon as they are suffering from an ailment, they immediately turn to medicine, be it alternative or conventional.  'Pray for my child, who has hurt her appointment is booked for Monday, but that is three days away'.  The belief that relief may be had is there, otherwise why ask for the prayer, but the faith that all will be restored is not, otherwise why make an appointment?  As I have said before, how many pray for a car, a computer, any component?  A tree, perhaps, that is dying, but essential to keep your yard cool.  Messiah cursed a fig tree; he could surely have asked to make one bloom. 

The watering down of disciples into believers has happened over time.  Psalm 23, in my opinion, is the epitome of faith.  Walking through the shadow of the valley of death, I fear no evil; You prepare a table in the midst of my enemies.  Praying when you walk through a dark alley at night, hoping that no-one will jump out at you, do you quicken your pace, because although you believe He is there, do you really have faith that he will protect you. Unless He tells you to run, why do you feel the need to do so?  We have all done it, I am sure, prayed during our hour of need, but taken precautions. 

I would urge anyone who things 'outside the box', or is just looking for 'something that is missing' to read my husband's blog; '

A good lesson for me.  Thank you for reading.  Grace and peace to all

Thursday, August 29, 2013


After my last post, I returned to my native land for a couple of weeks.  I attended synagogue a couple of times, once for a service, and once for a wedding.  Listening to the Rabbi's sermon, I found the explanations for Christianity to be a little far off how, as a disciple, I think and act.  I did not have an opportunity to speak with him either after the Saturday morning service, nor after the wedding.  The Rabbi, unlike me, has not been 'born again', and his explanations are to the best of his knowledge, and whilst I do not challenge his wisdom on religious, or indeed, biblical matters, my faith is a way of life, rather than a religion.

When I returned to Texas, my husband and I continued with our daily reading of the Scriptures, and on Wednesday I read Proverb 28.  After I had finished, my husband asked me to repeat one verse.

Proverb 28, 9.

One who turns away his ear from hearing the law,
Even his prayer is an abomination.

He asked me what I thought it meant, and how could it be adapted into contemporary Christianity.  Although we do not think of ourselves as Christians, for reasons I have already explained, we sometimes use the phrase when dealing with Discipleship. 

I did have to think about it, and it brought forth the most amazing in depth discussion. 

In the old testament, the Law was to be obeyed at all times.  If the Law was not adhered to, then even a prayer is an abomination.  If the Law was broken, what right would the sinner have to call upon Elohim and expect Him to answer?  I thought about contemporary times, and said that although we are no longer under the Law of the Hebrews, we are now under a new law.  We are subject to the voice of the Spirit. 

My first thought was about prayers that are said 'off the cuff'. If I see an accident, or an incident where someone is victim to something horrific, I immediately pray. I do not stop and ask the Spirit if this is right or wrong, I pray for the immediate need, or what I perceive to be the immediate need.  However, it then occurred to me, 'what if I am not meant to be in the place where I saw the incident'.  If I had been told by the Spirit to take one route, and I chose to take another, and an accident occurred where I witnessed something quite awful, that prompted me to pray, would it be an abomination?  Quite often, when I pray, I feel something quite instant, to say it has been dealt with.  Would I feel nothing? I am not saying that a prayer would not be answered, as the accident or incident would not be beyond the control of Elohim.  Nothing is out of His control.  My question is, would I be subject to knowing that I could not administer anything at that time. 

The fact is that He gives us all good things to enjoy, but what we should want is purely to do His will,;the desire of our heart should only be 'what is His will?'  What if we are not doing His will?  How much will that jeopardize the smooth flow; not the smooth flow of Elohim, as He is beyond our human reasoning, but the smooth flow of our walk. 

Perhaps the verse, put into modern day terms, should be, 'One who turns away his ear from hearing Elohim'.  Who am I to change scripture?  I would not dare.  However, I do believe we have the ability to hear it how it should be heard.  No matter how good my intentions, if I am not walking in the way I am being told, my prayers will be an abomination.  Why should He do for me, when I refuse to do for Him.  Yes, He is all merciful, He is goodness, and kindness, but He is not a walk over!  We have to learn discipline, and like children, we have to be taught, and if we misbehave, we have to face the consequences. 

We all make mistakes.  When we make mistakes do we stop praying?  That is not a question for me to answer.  Each incident has its own consequences, and that is a question that each person should ask themselves, and the Spirit.  Believing that my prayer would be an abomination if I am not walking in the Spirit, certainly causes concern for me. 

I hope this causes food for thought.  Grace and Peace to all.

Friday, July 26, 2013


In my last post, I put a link to an email to a TV production which showed the miracles that happened after an horrific accident.  If you saw the link, please bear with me while I summarise as quickly as I can.

My sister-in-law Cindy, and her husband, Jim, had taken a motorbike ride out into the country, and decided to come back along a route that would allow her to take pictures of a tree that was in full 'fall' bloom.  On their way home, a deer ran out in front of them. The bike hit the deer, and the two riders slid across the ground, with my sister-in-law on top of her husband,  When she got up, Jim was so badly injured, she did not know if he was dead or alive. What happened around these circumstances were amazing.  Nothing more than a miracle!

A truck coming the other way was being driven by a man who was on his way to attend a wedding, at a nearby church.  Another vehicle came along and it was a pastor, (who knew Cindy and Jim,) and the pastor's wife, who was a trauma nurse.  As the injuries were so severe, Jim had to be airlifted.  The only place that the helicopter could land was at a small church, which was full of people for a wedding.  Lots of people to pray.

Once at the hospital, tests were taken and Jim was in ICU.  He was very sick.  Jim had been very active, so much so, their son had started a blog about his father, just before the accident, called 'Jim the Axeman'.  When he was at the hospital, they said he was 'unresponsive', and the family should prepare themselves for the worst. Cindy, quite devastated, went into another room where her son was sitting, and seeing his mother very distraught, he used the blog to post that his father needed prayers. The following day (or thereabouts) Jim responded. The doctors were amazed.  Day after day, week after week, prayers were said, and like a miracle Jim got better, and better. Although not 100%, he was able to return home, and start work, much to the doctor's further amazement, and is living as normal a life as possible. There are a few problems, as there would be with any damage to the brain, but this man should, according to the medical profession, not have survived, or recovered as quickly as he did. Most of the prayers that were said were to God, or Lord, or Jesus, or Christ. Most of those saying the prayers had probably never been spoken to about the revelation that I have had. Elohim responded because Jim was not meant to die. However, Jim's suffering brought many to know the wonders of Elohim, and His son. 

With so many coincidences, it started me wondering whether Cindy and Jim should have been on the road, or should not.  My first thought when I saw the video (not after the accident) was that the deer was meant to die!  The Butterfly Effect.  After all, Elohim created it!  No one said Cindy and Jim should not have taken that route back home.  Cindy wanted to take a picture of a tree, and they chose to take the alternative route.  Perhaps they drove that route more often than not, but that day, they chose to take that route.  Perhaps the man in the truck was not meant to be at the wedding, and perhaps, he was meant to be the one that struck the deer.  There are so many variables.  What put everyone on that road at the same time?  They could have taken the ride the week before, when there was no wedding, when the pastor was not driving along with his wife the nurse. 

With so much going through my head, and so many questions asked of Elohim, I was given another insight.  Messiah told the disciples that they would suffer in His name.  I have always considered this to be persecuted for our belief, as has been indicated, and perhaps taught.  What if the suffering is not always persecution?

However, Jim's suffering brought many to know the wonders of Elohim, and His son. 

I am sorry if this is slightly disjointed but I cannot summarize with any more clarity.  The more I ask, the more I am given.  Being 'outside the box' has opened up so many more questions.  One of them is being obedient.  As I said, I am not meant to use the names that are commonly used, but I know he hears.  I know that everything is for a purpose.  I have continually stated how there was no 'J' in the Hebrew alphabet, and how it must be offensive to call Elohim's son by a name other than that given to Him by His father, and I still stand by this, but everyone must be obedient.  That is, after all, a command; To love IAUE your Elohim with all your heart, with all your soul and all your might. As long as our ears are open to the Holy Spirit, we should receive the answers. 

Grace and peace.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Several things have been 'playing' on my mind recently, and I have been reminded that although I know that Elohim is in charge, those who do not call him by the names to which I have been shown, He is still in charge. 

I recently had lunch with a lady who is the wife of one of our process servers.  We have been promising each other for a long time that we would 'get together', but nothing materialised.  However, we made a date, after about eight years, and found that we were very compatible in all areas.  Although she considers herself a 'converted' Messianic Jew, she still uses the terms God, Lord and Jesus. This did nothing to diminish the quality of our fellowship. We talked for six hours, praying and praising, discussing and diagnosing.  We learned a lot from each other and realised that, although we did not necessarily see 'eye to eye', on the names, we both thought outside the box and our spiritual walk was constantly taking us to new depths. 

Many times I have said that prayers to Elohim do not need to be spelled out.  If someone asks for prayer for a broken arm, it is unnecessary to tell him how to fix the bone.  He knows how to heal, after all, he has the blue prints!  If someone is in pain, it is unnecessary for us to diagnose and tell him to stop the hurting by explaining what we think is causing the problem.  We ask Him to go to the 'root'.  After explaining to my new friend that I had been the victim of 'panic attacks' and then mentioning that I had dreamed a recurring dream for as long as I could remember, followed up by the story of my family (which I mentioned in a previous post), it became obvious to her that everything was connected, and suggested that his may be a family curse and she could pray for me and as Elohim to relieve me. She prayed for me, and asked Elohim (she used the Hebrew terms, as she knew that I do not use the commonly used biblical terms) to heal me and He released me from the curse.  Almost as soon as she started to pray, I felt a 'pop' inside, and suddenly I knew that I would not have attacks again, nor would the recurring dream reoccur.  I cannot explain how I know, and in the past I, too, would be sceptical, but I have faith that I have been released. 

My friend explained that she has prayed over many people, and many have been healed and given peace.  She has prayed in the name of Yahashua, and Jesus.  She has prayed to Elohim and God.  All her prayers have obviously been heard, and many have been answered.  (We can only ask; His agenda may not be ours!)  I am still firmly convinced that I have been shown something magnificent, and I will not revert as I do believe that I must not the terms God, Lord, Jesus and Christ.  However, it does not mean that He does not hear.  I feel that it comes down to us being obedient.  I can tell someone until I am blue in the face that there was no 'J' in the Hebrew alphabet, but unless it has been revealed, spiritually, I cannot force them to see what I have been shown.  It is also not up to me to judge someone who does not see something spiritually, just as others cannot judge me if Elohim has not spiritually revealed something to me.  His timing is perfect and we are all His tools. 

My meeting with my new friend started a new phase in my spiritual walk, and I knew we had been put together at this time for this very reason.  There were a lot of interesting things that 'popped up' after the meeting, and I saw some things in a new light.  We are, after all, continually growing. Then yesterday I was watching an episode of a broadcast on a network called 'Lumindeo'.  It featured my sister in law and her husband, who survived an horrific motorbike accident.  How they survived was a miracle.  What happened after the accident was a miracle.  I do not normally put links on my posts, but I am going to make an exception, due to the fact that I have been shown something quite interesting and, I think, amazing.  It also reinforced the magnitude of my creator and the miracle of miracles, and forced me, once again, to look at all the new things that He is showing me.

I shall leave my thoughts, and things I have been shown, for another post, just in case you wish to view the attachment.  Elohim works in mysterious ways, and who are we to argue.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Starting several posts, last week, and feeling quite good about them all, I was curious as to why I was not given the opportunity to finish them, and publish.  My husband has been writing his own blog, and we have been discussing the role of the church etc, in the life of a disciple.

The bottom line comes down to what we are called to do.  Firstly, we are called to REPENT!  Having got into a very heavy discussion, I became aware that I was meant to write what I was verbalising.  Then, before going to sleep, we watched a minister on TV, who was talking about the very same thing! 

Messiah instructed, as did John, 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!'  However, Elohim has become a commodity.  We are not called to 'Repent', we are called to 'Let Him come into our lives'.  If we accept Him, all will be well.  If we let Him into our lives...?  It is all about the pretty packaging.  There appear to be no consequences.  Just like everything else, things have been watered down for us to want it.  Who remembers the verse, 'many are invited, but few are chosen'?  (Matthew 22:14)  This confirms that we do not invite him in, He calls us!  However, in order to become a disciple, and walk in the way in which Messiah walked, we need to Repent, and then do the Will of Elohim, without deviation.  Paul, on the road to Damascus, was not given a nicely wrapped gift, he was given an almighty jolt!  Messiah did not say, 'Hey Paul, listen, you want eternal salvation, please come and follow me?  Please....I'll give you anything you want if you do!'  No, Messiah said, 'Why do you kick against the pricks', and then 'kicked him into touch'! 

My husband and I were discussing the 'marketing' of Elohim, in order to get people to 'want the product'.  I made a comment about ice cream.  Originally, a commercial for Ice-cream was just for the product.  It is a nice, creamy, treat.  Then that was not enough.  In order to 'compete', it was necessary to emphasise the attributes.  The ice-cream was eaten by 'cool' people, and celebrities.  It was advertised by attractive, slim people in swimsuits.  The ice-cream remained the same; the audience got bored.  A new audience, as well as the old, needed to be attracted. Same product, new packaging, may get more sales.  Elohim is being commercialised. in the same way.  He is being made to appear more appealing.  After all, 'Repent', and do exactly as you are told, even if you don't want to', does not sound like much fun.  Telling people that if the accept Elohim, allow Him to come into your life, because He loves you, and He wants you to be part of His Kingdom, and He wants to bless you with health, wealth and happiness, is so much more appealing.  Who wouldn't want someone who would give them their hearts desires while they are on this earth, and then guarantee them a place in paradise when they leave.  Who wouldn't want to do nothing but Let Him in! 

I have been astounded at how those who have been 'walking in the Spirit' for decades, cannot see the conflict.  My husband points out that I have not been part of the Christian culture, and have not had years of 'doctrine' to rewrite.  I have, however, listened to how believers have participated in miracles, and supernatural occurrences, yet lie constantly.  There is no fear of Elohim.  I have been learning about removing the beam from my own eye, before attempting to remove the speck from my brother's eye, but these are brother's who are telling me that I have a 'problem' because I do not attend church, and congregate with the brethren.  I have said that I do not need to be told, over and over again, that Elohim loves me (or God as it is in most churches), as I know he loves me.  He is my father.  I don't need to be told to follow a prayer that asks Him to give me what I want.  What I need is to hear his voice, and obey it! 

The message has been watered down to attract the masses.  Does the Creator of the Universe need to ask people to come and join Him in His set apart place?  Does He need to make it more inviting?  Does He lack the numbers to fill the space? Psalm 50:12 says it perfectly.  'If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it'. 

The message is clear, 'Repent'.  Then, as Messiah says when asked which is the greatest commandment, (Mark 12:29-30) '....The greatest is, ‘Hear, Israel, IAUE, your Elohim is one: you shall love the IAUE your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment ' 

I do not have the authority to tell people not to go to church, just as those who insist that I am wrong cannot tell me that I am hearing the Spirit incorrectly. (Corinthians 2:11) 'For who among men knows the things of a man, except the spirit of the man, which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of Elohim, except Elohim’s Spirit.'  All I can do is write what is being told to me, and pray that I am saying it correctly.  IAUE will choose those He wishes to join Him, not man.  We do not need to wrap Him up in pretty colours to make Him acceptable to us!

Thank you for reading.  Grace and Peace to all.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Before I started to write my last post, I had everything planned out, and knew exactly what to write.  However, once I started, I realised that it was going to take more than one post to cover everything, and then by the time I had finished, I had learned my lesson! 

I have been quick to ask for help, from above, (or within,) when I have felt the urge to chastise or reprimand.  'Do I have the right?'   I started to write this post, and knew that it was not going to be a continuation, but another lesson in being sensitive to the word of the Spirit.  What I want to write is not important. It is not for me to wonder whether I will keep the attention of my audience.  One thing of which I am sure, is that Elohim is the same now as ever He was.  He is the creator of the Universe, and He is in control. 

We were blessed over the Memorial Day weekend, with a trip to Tennessee and drove around four surrounding states.  I took my kindle, on which I have the King James Bible, and we read the psalms each morning, and enjoyed the beauty that Elohim had provided.  On my way home, I was separated from my husband by the aisle on the plane.  The television was playing and I took out my earphones to listen, but decided that this would be an excellent opportunity to read the scriptures.  Although I felt very blessed, and uplifted, I felt the need to read 'The Book of Revelations'.  The gentleman who took the middle seat on my side, looked over and, with one glance, recognised what I was reading.  'Ah, Revelations'.  I smiled and he continued to chat about how awesome were the works of Elohim.  We chatted for sometime, and although he did not use the same names as me, we very much agreed with the fact that there are a lot of things that have been 'mis-construed'.  I knew, before he told me, that he was from Ghana.  It was something that had been imparted to me.  It is true, I could have 'guessed' correctly, but I do not believe this to be the case. 

My new acquaintance had moved to the USA some 20 years ago, as he had been instructed to do by Elohim, and although he held a good position in his native country, he struggled for a long time in his adopted country.  However, he knew this was where he was meant to be, and never gave up his faith.  I told him my story, and realised that this was probably the first person, whom I did not know, (or was not part of the group with whom I was with) with whom I discussed the scriptures.  We agreed that although we have the relationship of a shepherd and his sheep, we should not follow blindly, like the woolly animal.  If we have a niggle in our spirit, about something that has been preached, we should question it.  It may be that the niggle is unfounded, but in order for us to truly walk in the word of Elohim, we need to be sure we hear Him correctly.  I listened intently to all he had to say, and he finished with a prayer.  His faith inspired me, and although my husband is my mentor, and we have spiritual discussions regularly, he taught me so much.  He answered many questions that, although I did not ask, had been on my mind.  He explained things with which I was having issues, again, without me saying a word. 

Before we landed, it became evident that this man was seated next to me to bring forward my purpose for being at this place, at this time.  I could say he was an angel (I have met people before of whom I am sure were angels, put here in human form to help me) or he could have been sensitive to the Spirit and been speaking what he was told to speak.

Therefore, rather than continue adding to this post, and attempt to keep your interest, I am quite sure that I am meant to leave you with something to ponder.  How did we get here?  With my family history, it is a miracle that I am here, writing this post. It is for that reason that I know I am meant to do more than live my life, day to day, without purpose.  I know that I have been put here to witness, as was told to us in the New Testament (Covenant).  So, here is my history.  My ancestors were in Spain at the time of the Inquisition.  They escaped.  My maternal grandfather's paternal family came to England.  My maternal grandmother's family settled in Holland, until there were rumbles of anti-Semitic uprising, and my great grandparents came to England.  It appears that they were each the sole survivors of a large family of siblings, the remainder of whom were either killed before WWII, or during.  My maternal grandmother met my grandfather after he came home from the Great War.  (I watched the movie War Horse, and realised that my grandfather was one of those who went 'over the top', and came home alive, and was humbled.)  So, despite all the odds against my family, I became. It is very humbling. 

Elohim saved the remnant, and the remnant is me.  Who am I not to do His Will. 

Thank you for reading.  I thank Elohim for giving me life, and this opportunity to learn, and perhaps teach (in the broadest of terms!) 

Until next time, may grace and peace be with you.

Monday, May 20, 2013


I am delighted to say that the Oasis has continued to grow, and I am experiencing more and more peace.  However, although I was raring to go, and ready to write, I found that the subject matter upon which I thought I had been led to post, was split into two, and then into two again.  I found myself with several things to write, and believe that rather than put them all together, it is best to separate them.  I do not like to be overwhelmed, and I do find that when I am trying to understand, it does not help to be flooded with knowledge and wisdom.  Although I crave more and more, I want to make sure I have understood everything before, 'moving on'.  Therefore, I will do unto my audience as I would like to have done unto me. 

During this past week, I have had several occasions to be aware of things I do that are enhanced by the actions of others.  It has brought to light the 'dross' that needs to come to the surface, but also how I relate to things other's do!  

I am not as familiar with the Scriptures as others who either write 'spiritually based' blogs, or teach, appear to be, but I have, over the years, come to 'quote' more and more.  I do believe them to be a 'text book' for our life.  This having been said, I have recently found that I have been dealing quite a lot with the verse in Matthew, 7:5.  'First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye'.  Like most people, I can tell where other people are going wrong.  It has been brought to my attention, recently, that I am making the same mistakes, albeit in different circumstances.  For example, if one person talks about another in a derogatory way, behind their back, I find it inappropriate.  Yet by telling someone else that I find the behaviour inappropriate, I am guilty of the same sin.  (Matthew 18:15 Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.  The correct reaction is to tell your 'brother' that he is acting inappropriately, and the following verses tell you the way to continue should he not listen.  However, this particular line of 'recommendation', does not tell you what not to do; no doubt we should know what not to do!)  It is very easy to fall into the trap of discussing the wrongs of someone else, without giving them the benefit of a fair trial.  There is no excuse for sin.  If someone is berating another to a third party, then this is no more than 'gossip'.  The verses continues regarding 'if your brother does not hear you'....taken from the New King James, But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established..And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.  However, in my experience, very few actually 'go to the brother' first.  They discuss the situation and then go 'mob handed' with the solution.  Unfortunately, this tends to bring up the defenses, and the 'brother' becomes like a trapped animal, and bares his claws from the corner, and comes out in an attack. 

Discussing this with my husband, we agreed that it was acceptable to put the matter to another in a 'hypothetical' scenario.  Alternatively, we agreed that if we were worried about someone, we could go to them together.  To discuss options or discipline, is not part of the process.  We would be guilty of holding the trial without the presence of the accused.  Once again, my fine line appears along the road of 'concern' and 'gossip'. 

I am continuing to work on this, as it is important not to allow a brother to continue to sin, despite the plank in my eye.  I am unsure as to whether my experiences will help others, but I believe I am being led to let them know.  I am forever grateful for the love of Elohim and his patience. 

Grace and peace to all

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Once again, it has been several months since I felt I should write something in this blog.  I have gone through what can only be described as a 'dry' period.  As I think I have said before, unlike my other blog, which is more of a hobby, (and there is nothing wrong, I believe, in having a hobby, as long as it is not against the Will of Elohim,) I only feel the right to post within this one, when I am instructed.  There were several factors in my life, over the past few months, where I had faith, but it was compromised.  I 'believed' something would happen, but held contingency plans in case they did not.  I had asked for Elohim's help, but was fearing the worst. 

Perhaps I need to be more specific.  My faith in Elohim is unconditional.  However, I do have a 'program' that needs to be re-written.  Before I was 'born again', I was the eternal pessimist.  It was so much easier to think the worst, and then when it happened, you were prepared.  This programming compromised my ability to hear the voice of the Spirit, and it started to entwine with other programmes, which caused not only 'chinks' but massive holes in the Armour of Elohim! 

However, during my 'dry' spell, I started to hear again, and I believe I was 'bumped' back into where I was meant to be.  There is a verse that says it all.  Matthew 7:3 'And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?'

I was very quick to berate other's, and suddenly found that I was guilty of the same.  'How could they ............ ', was something that I was saying on a regular basis.  It occurred to me, shortly after the beginning of the year, that I was being taught a lesson.  How could I possibly look at the speck and tell someone that they were not walking along the straight and narrow path, when I was doing something very similar.  Unfortunately, we do not always see the similarity between other's wrong doing and our own, as the elements differ. 

However, it was at the bump that I came back into line.  It was at this point that things started to happen.  I was, like Psalm 1 says, beginning to be the tree planted by the rivers of water.  We are currently, in Texas, in the middle of the Legislative Session.  Our industry is once again under attack.  Without digressing too much, there has been a regulatory program run by the Supreme Court, which, by definition is Unconstitutional.  A bill has been filed which will enable this program to continue under a new guise.  Many have tried to stop two bills from reaching the voting stage, but have failed.  Normally, at this stage in the session, I am terrified that the opposition will win, and despite the unconstitutionality and irregularity, laws are made, and the only way to halt them is by filing a law suit, which no one can afford.  It really has been a case of not what you know, but who you know. However, this session has been different.  Once I was rebooted, the worry of 'what might be' suddenly disappeared.  I knew, as always, that Elohim was in control, but this time I believed he was in charge.  I had no concerns.  Of course, there is always the disappointment in fellow mankind, but what is Elohim's Will is Elohim's Will!  I cannot change the future.  I want what my Elohim wants.  It was then I started to pray, not for my want, but for his.  It is true, bad things will happen!

Then the most amazing thing happened.  We were driving home from work, and my husband was on the phone to one of his friends (whose story I will relate in a future post) when I suddenly started to think about the week ahead, and asked Elohim, 'What should I ask for?'  The answer came to me very quickly.  It was quite simply, 'Let the Senator tell the truth'.  I cannot fully describe on a page what happened.  I knew I was praying, but it was deep within.  I was not 'praying in tongues', as I could not hear what I was praying.  I just felt something working within me.  It was as if there was a conversation going on between me and my most inner parts, and only my heart could hear.  When it was over, I was quite overwhelmed. 

The next day, I missed the live broadcast, and had to wait for the daily session to end before I was able to 'replay'.  As the Senator took the stand, he was asked by another, as to whether the current program was constitutional, and whether the Supreme Court had the right to create a regulatory program. The Senator stood there, and replied, 'No!'  Despite this, the bill was voted out, favourable, but the Senator had told the truth, and I knew that I had done Elohim's Will, and the outcome was immaterial.  I am not sure what will happen next, but there was a reason why my Father put the request into me.  Again, I not only knew but believed He was in charge, and as long as I am faithful, and listen to His voice, I shall walk through the shadow of the valley of death, and have no fear.  His rod and His staff shall comfort me. 

I am, however, aware of an outside influence.  While I believe I am thoroughly protected, I can almost feel the arrows of unrighteousness being stopped by the Armour that is surrounding me.  I can feel the 'old' attempting to penetrate the 'new', and the feelings of concern, and despair, shouting to me from afar.  I shall, however, not be moved! 

My hope is that I shall be given an opportunity to write again, very soon, but that is not my decision.