Sunday, February 22, 2015


Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

I was not listening to this verse when a revelation hit me during the week, I was listening to Hebrews 11:1.  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Laying up treasures upon the earth, is not what we are called to do.  We are called to repent, and we are called to cast off the 'old man'.  We are called to be renewed.  It suddenly occurred to me, and I may have known this academically, that we are called to give up what we love the most.  Sacrifice!  Elohim sacrificed his only son.  Messiah died in a painful and humiliating way.  He called to Elohim and asked if there was another way, but there was not. 

What do we give up?  What do we sacrifice?  The following example is extreme, but brings to light whether we really are willing to do the Will of Elohim.  If Elohim was to say, "Take your child to the mountain, and offer him up as a sacrifice", what would be your response?  I have asked people this before, and the answer has been, "He would not ask us to do that".  The answer is not forthcoming, because no one wants to say "No!"  Having received the answer, I continue; "That is not an answer to the question.  IF HE was to ask you to take your child to the mountain and offer him as a sacrifice, would you?"  Again, the answer is not an answer.  My question is considered ridiculous, and the conversation is over.  It is an horrific thought, that IAUE would ask us to sacrifice our children, but He asked Abraham, and He sacrificed His own son. 

The next question is, "What is in your life, that if IAUE asked you to give it up, you would have a problem with?"  The answers vary from 'chocolate' to more elaborate things.  "What about your kids?"  Would you give up what you love the most, should IAUE ask?  That is what being a new creature in Messiah is all about.  I am not suggesting He would ask you to give up your children, to sacrifice them as he sacrificed Messiah, His Son, but the answer should be, "I shall not resist anything that my Father asks me to do".  We should have died when we were born again.  We should have been reborn to do the will of IAUE unconditionally.  Yet we still fight.  We do not want to give up the things we love, even though we claim we will.  The treasures of this world are not just gold, silver and other delightful objects, they are anything that is of this world. Would you give up the thing you love the most, should IAUE ask?  Remember, sometimes He doesn't ask.  That is because He is IAUE, and He is in charge!