Friday, September 20, 2013


Song of Solomon - 2:15
Catch us the foxes,
The little foxes that spoil the vines,
For our vines have tender grapes

I have often quoted the verse above, and more often than not it has been quipped without much thought.

Yesterday, however, I learned that often when we think the foxes have once again ruined the grapes, the opposite is true.

Many things, small things, have been the focus of my attention over the past couple of weeks, and I have asked for help from my Master, mainly to put them into perspective,

Without going into too much detail (as the detail itself is irrelevant) there were some irritations that were purely of a 'maternal' nature.  Although small in themselves, one piled on top of the other was starting to make the vine wilt.  However, by Thursday afternoon, the foxes had been caught and were no longer a threat to the wine.

However, within a short period of time, something happened to make me wonder, 'why?'  My husband had received a document to be delivered the next morning at the local Courthouse.  Despite his assurance that this would not be a problem, we had no one to deliver it.  Everyone had 'prior engagements'.  I questioned as to why there was a problem.  Why was everyone busy?  Why could we not fulfill our promise?  Immediately, I started to evaluate as to whether I had sat back, and forgotten my Master, and His goodness.  Without waiting for an answer, I had decided that this was a disaster, and the foxes had returned with a vengeance.  I had, in essence, lost faith.  Eventually, my husband received a call from his friend, who is in the same business.  It just so happened that he had something that had to be delivered to the local Courthouse in the morning, 30 minutes after our proposed delivery.  I gave thanks and marvelled at the goodness of my Creator, and apologised for my assumption.  Everything is for a reason, and we were shortly to find out why it had to happen this way.  My husband emailed his friend the documents, and shortly after received a call to say that there was a page missing.  My husband had not noticed that there was a page missing, and if he had simply handed the document to one of our regular guys, they would have had no reason to check.  My husband's friend called the attorney who was in charge of the case and she was so grateful that the omission had been caught and reported. 

It was obvious that this was nothing to do with the 'little foxes'.  This was Elohim making a statement, yet I immediately went to 'worse case scenario'.  In giving thanks, I felt at peace.  There was something very calming about the way I felt.  There were no sparkles, no tingles, no goosebumps.  I knew that Elohim had worked so perfectly, not only would we be able to get someone to the Courthouse on time, to deliver a document to someone who was, otherwise, illusive, it eliminated any embarrassment that may have been suffered by the attorney, or the person who sent us the documents on her behalf.

When the document had been delivered, my husband's friend returned to our office.  I asked him if he had success in delivering the other paper, that had put in him the right place at the right time for us.  He had not.  The attorney who had hired him had made a mistake.  The hearing at which his document was to be delivered was not going to take place until next week.  It was when he arrived at the courthouse that he received the call to say there had been a mistake with the dates.  He thanked Elohim.  His trip had not been a waste; more to the point, it had been a success. 

I pray that next time I believe the foxes to be at work, I will have the ability to discern whether it is indeed the canines being mischievous, or whether there is something deeper.  For every season......

I pray this speaks to someone, somewhere, who is in the same situation.  Grace and peace to all.

Monday, September 9, 2013


My husband has become an avid blogger.  He posts every Sunday, and usually gets inspiration during the week, which promotes a great deal of discussion.

Last week we were discussing the difference between 'belief' and 'faith'.  Is it enough just to believe?  He gave an illustration of the guy who stood and stared at a chair, believing it would take his weight, and another man who simply sat in the chair, as he had faith. 

What happened to the faithful and why did we become a body of believers?  I thought about those who spread the 'good news' in Acts, and the letters that were written by Paul, Timothy, etc.  We have become 'watered down'.  Instead of being washed clean by baptism, it is as if we have been diluted.

Believing that something will happen is all well and good.  Having belief is not a bad thing, but consider this; would you sit in the chair?  Faith is the action!  I believe the problem in todays society, and modern day congregations, is that we are not called to have faith, we are merely asked to 'Believe'.  As a child, and as an adult, I have heard the question asked, 'Do you believe in Elohim?', (God/The Lord/Christ etc).  People do not ask, as a matter of course, 'do you have faith in Elohim?'  Do I believe in Elohim?  Of course I do.  Do I believe in magic?  Well I have seen some pretty good magicians.  However, I would not put my faith into a magician. 

Merely believing is not enough.  We are not called by Elohim to believe.  believe Elohim does not need us to believe he exists.  He is the creator of the Universe, why should he be concerned.  He could come and twist us around and turn us upside-down in a second or less.  Faith goes much deeper.

Our discussion turned to the depth of faith.  As I have mentioned, I listen to ministers on the TV and watch the audience.  They get quite emotional and take in every word that is said.  Do they believe everything in their life will be okay?  They appear to be nodding and agreeing with the minister, but do they actually have faith?  Believing is more an act of self will.  'I believe, I believe, I believe', does not give you the faith to sit in the chair.  It lulls you into thinking you have done enough by believing.  Believing Yahushua is your master is easy.  Having faith that He will protect you is quite different. 

Over the years, many people have told stories of healing and miraculous divine intervention.  However, whilst many attend meetings where these wonderful events take place, as soon as they are suffering from an ailment, they immediately turn to medicine, be it alternative or conventional.  'Pray for my child, who has hurt her appointment is booked for Monday, but that is three days away'.  The belief that relief may be had is there, otherwise why ask for the prayer, but the faith that all will be restored is not, otherwise why make an appointment?  As I have said before, how many pray for a car, a computer, any component?  A tree, perhaps, that is dying, but essential to keep your yard cool.  Messiah cursed a fig tree; he could surely have asked to make one bloom. 

The watering down of disciples into believers has happened over time.  Psalm 23, in my opinion, is the epitome of faith.  Walking through the shadow of the valley of death, I fear no evil; You prepare a table in the midst of my enemies.  Praying when you walk through a dark alley at night, hoping that no-one will jump out at you, do you quicken your pace, because although you believe He is there, do you really have faith that he will protect you. Unless He tells you to run, why do you feel the need to do so?  We have all done it, I am sure, prayed during our hour of need, but taken precautions. 

I would urge anyone who things 'outside the box', or is just looking for 'something that is missing' to read my husband's blog; '

A good lesson for me.  Thank you for reading.  Grace and peace to all